Systematic Global Equities

Systematic Global Equities Active Strategies use disciplined stock selection and portfolio construction methods for generating alpha. Passive Strategies offer exposure to market beta through index replication. Values-Based Equity Strategies can offer customized...

Chinese Tech Stocks – Is the Party Over?

FORESIGHT | FIS VIEWS ‘Chinese Tech Stocks – Is the Party Over?’  discusses whether the boom in Chinese tech stocks will last. In 2017, Chinese tech stocks soared, essentially doubling in value during the year and outperforming the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index by...

From Versus to Versatilit​y: Exploring the Cyclicalit​y of Active & Passive Management

Panelist Information: N/A
Duration: 51 minutes
Description: This interactive webinar discussion will be led by FIS Group’s Founder and CIO, Tina Byles Williams. The discussion will highlight the actionable implications from our recently published white paper entitled, “Is Active Equity Management Alpha on Permanent or Temporary Disability?” Additionally, the paper’s models have been updated for this discussion, and Tina will reveal whether the updates had a significant effect on the original conclusions. Tina will close this webinar by providing participants with a peek at what FIS Group’s market and risk models are forecasting for 4th Quarter.

The topics to be discussed during the webinar include the following:

• Evidence pointing to the cyclical nature of periods when either active or passive management are in favor rather than a permanent “new normal” where active U.S. large-cap managers struggle to beat their benchmarks;

• Updates on several of the conclusions published in the original paper and their implication for active managers in a time of anticipated Fed tapering and slowing of corporate profit growth;

• The uncertainty of whether the ‘Risk On, Risk Off’ trading environment of the last five years will persist or give way to a renewed premium on stock picking;

• FIS Group’s forecast for the 4Q 2013 market environment and our view on investment opportunities for capital allocators and equity managers for the remainder of the year.

Survival Of The Nimble

The three to five years ending December 31, 2010 have challenged many active long only (and long-short) equity managers’ ability to produce alpha, particularly if their investment decisions are based on the intrinsic fundamental characteristics of individual stocks. As a manager of Entrepreneurial managers1 , the majority of whom employ this type of investment approach, FIS Group conducted research on the major factors driving the impairment of excess return observed over the last five years. Additionally, we examined whether the performance advantage of Entrepreneurial managers over their Established manager peers (by investment style and market capitalization) observed in our and others’ prior research had altered as a result of the changing macroeconomic and market environments. Our conclusions are as follows:

The Russian Nesting Doll of International Value Returns: Why Your Value Manager(s) Might Disappoint You in a Value Market

The Russian Nesting Doll of International Value Returns: Why Your Value Manager(s) Might Disappoint You in a Value Market

Q1 2022 saw the largest one quarter outperformance of international value in twenty years, and yet 93% of international value managers underperformed the international value benchmark.1 While the disruption of commodity markets from the invasion of Ukraine led to outsized returns in commodity sensitive stocks …

Auto Draft

Marcy Rappaport Director | Business Development & Consultant Relations Marcy Rappaport joined Xponance® in February 2023 and serves as Director, Business Development and Consultant Relations.  She is responsible for new business development and managing consultant...

Newsroom Press Releases

Xponance Newsroom Welcome to the Xponance Newsroom, we engage with the media in an open and transparent manner. About Our Firm Xponance is a multi-strategy firm offering emerging and diverse multi-manager capabilities, as well as active and passive equity, fixed...
Decoding the Shifting Landscape of the S&P 500 Value Index

Decoding the Shifting Landscape of the S&P 500 Value Index

Unveiling Insights from Changes in Active Risk Exposure, Sectors, and Companies During the Annual Style Rebalance | The significant surge in index turnover during 2022 prompted an investigation into the underlying catalysts. By examining alterations in active exposure, sector dynamics, and the most notable movements of companies, valuable insights can be gleaned regarding the evolving nature of the index.


Defying Convention We are a multi-strategy investment firm whose primary goal is to be a trusted client solutions partner. Our name is derived from the word “exponent” and dually connotes our core objectives—to be a zealous champion for our clients; and to provide...
Time for a New China Strategy? The Case for Decoupling Asset Allocation in Chinese Risk Assets: Q3 2023 Market Outlook

Time for a New China Strategy? The Case for Decoupling Asset Allocation in Chinese Risk Assets: Q3 2023 Market Outlook

Already responsible for an estimated $5 billion in stimulative consumer spending – the equivalent of the entire annual earnings of Starbucks, American Airlines, or FedEx – the Taylor Swift ‘Eras’ Tour is doing more than its part to save the global economy. However, the economic phenomenon being dubbed ‘Swiftonomics’ will forsake China, as the pop legend’s tour plays four dates in Japan and a record six dates in Singapore, but not in the world’s second largest economy.

Too Good to Be True: The Failure of Defensive Managers During Recent Inflationary Shocks

Too Good to Be True: The Failure of Defensive Managers During Recent Inflationary Shocks

The failure of the returns-based approach, along with some interesting dynamics observed in factor contributions, opens an extremely interesting avenue for future analysis. What role did the macroeconomic regime (inflation, top line growth, and interest rates) play in the “defensiveness” of strategies, and what can be done to avoid misclassifying strategies during sharp regime changes?

Senior Compliance Officer

Job Posting About Xponance Xponance is a woman-led, and entirely employee-owned multi-strategy investment firm dedicated to revolutionizing access to alpha for clients and the wider investment community. Established in 1996 by Tina Byles Williams with preliminary AUM...